Meeting Pearls 2
Meeting Pearls Vol. II (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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/* reqlibrary.h © 1988/1989 reserved by Colin Fox and Bruce Dawson */
#define REQVERSION 1
#define NUMPAIRS 10
struct GadgetBlock
struct Gadget Gadget;
struct Border Border;
struct IntuiText Text;
struct StringBlock
struct Gadget Gadget;
struct StringInfo Info;
struct Border Border;
struct PropBlock
struct Gadget Gadget;
struct PropInfo Info;
struct Image Image;
struct ScrollBlock
struct Gadget ArrowUpLt;
struct Image ImageUpLt;
struct Gadget ArrowDnRt;
struct Image ImageDnRt;
struct PropBlock Prop;
struct TwoImageGadget
struct Gadget Gadget;
struct Image Image1;
struct Image Image2;
#define ATTITUDEB 16
#define HORIZSLIDER (0L<<ATTITUDEB) /*;which way the slider stands*/
#define VERTSLIDER (1L<<ATTITUDEB) /*;This is so that it bypasses all gadget flags.*/
/*; This structure is use with the TextRequester function.*/
struct TRStructure
char *Text; /* ;This is the message text, including printf() style formatting if desired.*/
char *Controls; /* ;This is the address of the parameter list, if printf() style formatting is used.*/
struct Window *Window;/* ;This is an optional (zero if not used) pointer to a window on the screen you*/
/* ;would like the requester to show up on.*/
char *MiddleText; /* ;If non-zero, this is the text for the gadget in the lower middle (returns 2).*/
char *PositiveText; /* ;If non-zero, this is the text for the gadget in the lower left hand corner (returns 1).*/
char *NegativeText; /* ;If non-zero, this is the text for the gadget in the lower right (returns 0).*/
char *Title; /* ;This is the title for the window.*/
WORD KeyMask; /* ;This is the qualifier mask for the keyboard shortcuts.*/
/* ;Use $FFFF to allow any qualifiers (or none).*/
/* ;Zero means that no keyboard shortcuts are allowed.*/
WORD textcolor; /* ;Color of the text. Uses color 1 if no color specified. */
WORD detailcolor; /* ;Detail and block color, as in a NewWindow structure. If */
WORD blockcolor; /* ;both are left zero, block pen will be set to 1. */
WORD versionnumber; /* ;Make SURE this is set to zero. */
LONG rfu1; /* ;Make SURE you leave these two zeroed also. */
LONG rfu2; /* ;Make SURE you leave these two zeroed also. */
/* NOTE:
The control values mentioned above are used if you choose to insert
printf style directives in your strings and should contain the address of
a list of control parameters, usually on the stack.
/*; Remember, if you don't want to go through the hassle of */
/*; initializing a ExtendedColorRequester structure, you can always just call */
/*; ColorRequester (as opposed to ExtendedColorRequester). ColorRequester */
/*; just takes a single parameter, in D0, the color that should start out */
/*; being highlit. It returns a single value, the color that was selected at */
/*; the end.
/*; This structure is for use with the ExtendedColorRequester (_not_, */
/*; the ColorRequester) function. */
struct ExtendedColorRequester
LONG defcolor; /*;The color that is initially highlit. */
APTR window; /*;The window the 'requester' opens up in. */
LONG rfu1; /*;Who knows what these will be used for, */
LONG rfu2; /*;but I'm sure we'll think of something. */
LONG rfu3; /*;Until then, just keep these zeroed. */
LONG rfu4; /*;Okay? */
LONG rfu5;
/*; This structure is for use with the GetLong function.*/
#define GLNODEFAULTB 0 /*;Set this bit in the flags if you don't want a default*/
/*;value to show up in the get long string gadget. For*/
/*;some things this is much better than having a zero*/
/*;show up.*/
struct GetLongStruct
char *titlebar;
LONG defaultval;
LONG minlimit;
LONG maxlimit;
LONG result;
struct Window *window;
WORD versionnumber; /* ;Make SURE this is set to zero. */
LONG flags; /* Some, uh flags. See above for bit definitions. */
LONG rfu2; /* ;Make SURE you leave these two zeroed also. */
#ifndef DSIZE
#define DSIZE 130
#define FCHARS 30
#define WILDLENGTH 30
#define FRQSHOWINFOB 0 /*;Set this in Flags if you want .info files to show. They default to hidden.*/
#define FRQEXTSELECTB 1 /*;Set this in Flags if you want extended select. Default is not.*/
#define FRQCACHINGB 2 /*;Set this in Flags if you want directory caching. Default is not.*/
#define FRQGETFONTSB 3 /*;Set this in Flags if you want a font requester rather than a file requester.*/
#define FRQINFOGADGETB 4 /*;Set this in Flags if you want a hide-info files gadget.*/
#define FRQHIDEWILDSB 5 /*;Set this in Flags if you DON'T want 'show' and 'hide' string gadgets.*/
#define FRQABSOLUTEXYB 6 /*;Use absolute x,y positions rather than centering on mouse.*/
#define FRQCACHEPURGEB 7 /*;Purge the cache whenever the directory date stamp changes if this is set.*/
#define FRQNOHALFCACHEB 8 /*;Don't cache a directory unless it is completely read in when this is set.*/
#define FRQNOSORTB 9 /*;Set this in Flags if you DON'T want sorted directories.*/
#define FRQNODRAGB 10 /*;Set this in Flags if you DON'T want a drag bar and depth gadgets.*/
#define FRQSAVINGB 11 /*;Set this bit if you are selecting a file to save to.*/
#define FRQLOADINGB 12 /*;Set this bit if you are selecting a file(s) to load from.*/
/*;These two bits (save and load) aren't currently used for*/
/*;anything, but they may be in the future, so you should*/
/*;remember to set them. Also, these bits make it easier if*/
/*;somebody wants to customize the file requester for their*/
/*;machine. They can make it behave differently for loading*/
/*;vs saving.*/
struct ESStructure
struct ESStructure *NextFile;
WORD NameLength; /* Length of thefilename field, not including the terminating zero. */
APTR Node; /* For internal use only. */
char thefilename[1]; /* This is a variable size field. */
struct FileRequester
UWORD VersionNumber; /* Make sure this is zeroed for now. */
char *Title; /* Hailing text */
char *Dir; /* Directory array (DSIZE+1) */
char *File; /* Filename array (FCHARS+1) */
char *PathName; /* Complete path name array (DSIZE+FCHARS+2) */
struct Window *Window; /* Window requesting or NULL */
UWORD MaxExtendedSelect; /* Zero implies a maximum of 65535, as long as FRQEXTSELECT is set.*/
UWORD numlines; /* Number of lines in file window. */
UWORD numcolumns; /* Number of columns in file window. */
UWORD devcolumns;
ULONG Flags; /* Various - umm - flags. See above for more info. */
UWORD dirnamescolor; /* These five colors will all default */
UWORD filenamescolor; /* to color one if you don't specify */
UWORD devicenamescolor; /* a color (ie; if you specify color zero). */
UWORD fontnamescolor; /* If you want color zero to be used, specify */
UWORD fontsizescolor; /* color 32, or some other too large number */
/* which mods down to zero. */
UWORD detailcolor; /* If both of these colors are specified as */
UWORD blockcolor; /* zero then the block pen will be set to one. */
UWORD gadgettextcolor; /* The color for the text of the five boolean gadgets. Defaults to 1. */
UWORD textmessagecolor; /* The color for the message at the screen top. Defaults to 1. */
UWORD stringnamecolor; /* The color for the words Drawer, File, Hide and Show. Defaults to 3. */
UWORD stringgadgetcolor; /* The color for the borders of the string gadgets. Defaults to 3. */
/* Unfortunately it is not possible to specify */
/* the color of the actual text in an Intuition */
/* string gadget. */
UWORD boxbordercolor; /* The color for the boxes around the file and directory areas. Defaults to 3. */
UWORD gadgetboxcolor; /* The color for the boxes around the five boolean gadgets. Defaults to 3. */
UWORD FRU_Stuff[18]; /* This area, which is reserved for */
/* future use, should all be zero. */
struct DateStamp DirDateStamp; /* A copy of the cached directories date stamp. */
/* There should never be any need to change this. */
UWORD WindowLeftEdge; /* These two fields are only used when the */
UWORD WindowTopEdge; /* FRQABSOLUTEXY flag is set. They specify */
/* the location of the upper left hand */
/* corner of the window. */
UWORD FontYSize; /* These fields are used to return the selected */
UWORD FontStyle; /* font size and style, only applicable when the */
/* font bit is set. */
/*If you set the extended select bit and the user extended selects, the list of filenames will start from here.*/
struct ESStructure *ExtendedSelect;
char Hide[WILDLENGTH+2]; /* The wildcards text. */
char Show[WILDLENGTH+2]; /* More wildcards text. */
WORD FileBufferPos; /* Various fields taken from the various */
WORD FileDispPos; /* string gadgets so that the cursor */
WORD DirBufferPos; /* can be returned to the same position */
WORD DirDispPos; /* on subsequent calls. */
WORD HideBufferPos;
WORD HideDispPos;
WORD ShowBufferPos;
WORD ShowDispPos;
/**; The following fields are PRIVATE! Don't go messing with them or
; wierd things may/will happen. If this isn't enough of a warning, go read
; the one in intuition.h, that should scare you off.**/
APTR Memory; /* Memory allocate for dir entries. */
APTR Memory2; /* More memory, used for hidden files. */
APTR Lock;
char PrivateDirBuffer[DSIZE+2]; /* Used for keeping a record of which */
/* directory we have file names for. */
struct FileInfoBlock *FileInfoBlock;
WORD NumEntries;
WORD NumHiddenEntries;
WORD filestartnumber;
WORD devicestartnumber;
/* This is used with the RealTimeScroll function. */
struct ScrollStruct
ULONG TopEntryNumber; /*;This is the ordinal number of the first*/
/*;displayed entry.*/
ULONG NumEntries; /*;This is the total number of entries in*/
/*;the list.*/
UWORD LineSpacing; /*;This is how many pixels high each entry is.*/
ULONG NumLines; /*;This is how many entries can be displayed simultaneously.*/
struct Gadget *PropGadget; /*;This is a pointer to the prop gadget being monitored.*/
void (*RedrawAll)(); /*;This routine is used to redraw all of the*/
/*;entries when the user moves far enough*/
/*;that scrolling will take too long.*/
void (*ReadMore)(); /*;An optional routine that is called when*/
/*;the scroll routine is waiting for movement.*/
/*;This allows reading of new data while real*/
/*;time scrolling.*/
void (*ScrollAndDraw)(); /*;This routine is called when the data needs*/
/*;to be scrolled and updated. This routine is*/
/*;passed four long parameters (on the stack and*/
/*;in D0-D3) which are, respectively:*/
/*;D0 - entry number of first line to be drawn.*/
/*;D1 - pixel offset to draw first line at.*/
/*;D2 - amount to scroll before doing any drawing.*/
/*;D3 - number of lines of data to draw.*/
WORD versionnumber; /*;Make SURE this is set to zero. */
LONG rfu1; /*;Make SURE you leave these two zeroed also. */
LONG rfu2; /*;Make SURE you leave these two zeroed also. */
struct chipstuff
char ArrowUp[20]; /* 16 pixels wide, 10 pixels high. */
char ArrowDown[20]; /* 16 pixels wide, 10 pixels high. */
char ArrowLeft[18]; /* 16 pixels wide, 9 pixels high. */
char ArrowRight[18]; /* 16 pixels wide, 9 pixels high. */
char Letter_R[20]; /* 16 pixels wide, 10 pixels high. */
char Letter_G[20]; /* 16 pixels wide, 10 pixels high. */
char Letter_B[20]; /* 16 pixels wide, 10 pixels high. */
char Letter_H[20]; /* 16 pixels wide, 10 pixels high. */
char Letter_S[20]; /* 16 pixels wide, 10 pixels high. */
char Letter_V[20]; /* 16 pixels wide, 10 pixels high. */
struct ReqLib
struct Library RLib;
struct AbsExecBase *SysLib;
struct DosBase *DosLib;
struct IntuitionBase *IntuiLib;
struct GfxBase *GfxLib;
APTR SegList;
struct chipstuff *Images;
BYTE Flags;
char *ConsoleDev; /* Not really a char*, but it should work */
struct IOStdReq *ConsoleHandle;